On Mar. 11, EU GRECO issued 4th round interim compliance report.
EU GRECO issued Liechtenstein Interim Compliance Report of 4th Evaluation Round.
Covers corruption prevention in relation to members of parliament, judges, prosecutor.
The report was adopted by EU GRECO at its 95th plenary meeting of Nov-Dec 2023.
Interim Compliance Report assesses measures taken by authorities of Liechtenstein to implement recommendations issued in 4th Round Evaluation Report on Liechtenstein.
As adopted in Sep. 2020 and made public in Dec. 2020, post authorization by country.
EU GRECO’s 4th Evaluation Round deals with Corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors; new report issued in EN, FR, DE.
Recalls in Compliance Report, adopted in Jun. 2022, EU GRECO concluded that very low level of compliance with recommendations was globally unsatisfactory.
That, within meaning of Rule 31 revised, paragraph 8.3 of its Rules of Procedure.
Thus decided to apply Rule 32 concerning members found not to be in compliance with recommendations contained in Evaluation Report and asked LIC Head of delegation to submit a report on the progress in implementing the outstanding recommendations.
Situation Report on measures taken to implement recommendations thus submitted.
Together with data supplied later on, served as basis for Interim Compliance Report.
EU GRECO selected Finland (for parliamentary assemblies) and Austria (for judicial institutions) to appoint rapporteurs for the compliance procedure.
They were assisted by secretariat in drawing up compliance report; Interim Compliance Report assessed the state of implementation of 15 outstanding recommendations (i to ix and xi to xvi) since adoption of the Compliance Report.
Provides overall assessment of LIC’s level of compliance with these recommendations.
Conclusion and Further Action
EU GRECO addressed 16 recommendations to Liechtenstein in its Evaluation Report.
Concluded Liechtenstein implemented or dealt with in satisfactory manner 6 out of 16.
Of the other, 8 have been partly implemented and 2 have not been implemented.
Recommendation x was implemented satisfactorily while ix and xi to xiii, xv and xvi were partly implemented and i to viii and xiv not implemented.
Compliance with the outstanding ones is dealt with in specific sections of the report.
Per para 8.2 of Art 31 of Rules of Procedure, asked head of Liechtenstein delegation to provide report on measures taken to implement the outstanding recommendations.
I.e. recommendations i, ii, v to ix, xii, xiv, xvi and that, by Dec. 31, 2024 at the latest.
Invited LIC to authorize publication of the report, to translate it and make it public.
New progress report expected by Dec. 31, 2024, at the latest.
Entity Types
Rp Trsl, PR, 3/11/2024; Rp Greco RC4(2023)16, 12/1/2023