ILL LEG Worker Eligibility Verification

On May 22, ILL LEG passed bill on employment verification system.

  • ILL LEG passed bill SB 0508, amendments to Right to privacy in the workplace act.
  • Imposes requirements on use of employment eligibility verification systems (EEVS).
  • Bill to modify sections 12, 15 of ILL LEG 820-55/12, and to add new section 13.
  • Bill Provisions
  • Amends act to provide that unless otherwise required by State or federal law, an employer shall not voluntarily enroll in the E-Verify program or a similar system.
  • Additionally, an employer is prohibited from imposing work authorization verification or re-verification requirements that are greater than those required by federal law.
  • Employer must provide employee certain documents if employer is required to use E-Verify program or similar EEVS, and Social Security Administration notifies discrepancy.
  • Discrepancy between employee's name or social security number and agency's records
  • Provides for additional rights and protections granted to an employee following the notification from the Social Security Administration of existence of such a discrepancy.
  • Sets additional notice requirements concerning obligations of employer and employee.
  • Notices must comply with State and federal privacy laws and relate only to employee.
  • Furthermore, the bill provides for violations and civil penalties, and defines terms.
  • Legislative History
  • On Feb. 22, 2023, bill was introduced in Senate; on Nov. 7, 2023, bill passed Senate.
  • On Nov. 8, 2023, bill was introduced in House; on May 22, 2024, bill passed in House.
  • Effectiveness
  • Illinois bills passed before Jun. 1 take effect Jan. 1 of the next year, on Jan. 1, 2025.
  • Aug. 2024 ILL LEG Governor Approval
  • On Aug. 9, 2024, ILL LEG reported governor signed bill, enacted Public Act 103-0879.

Regulators ILL LEG
Entity Types Corp
Reference Pub. Act 103-0879, 8/9/2024; Bill SB0508, 5/22/2024; Citation: ILL LEG 820-55/12;
Functions Compliance; HR; Legal; Operations; Privacy; Reporting; Technology
Countries United States of America
Products Corporate
Regions Am
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 5/22/2024
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 213259
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 8/9/2024
Report Section US Consumer

Last substantive update on 08/14/2024