On Mar. 4, RUS CB proposed rules on digital RUB platform procedure.
RUS CB proposed ordinance on the procedure for sending by the customs authority to the operator of the digital ruble platform certain documents of the customs authority in the form of electronic documents, sending by the operator of the digital ruble platform to the customs authority a message containing information about the balance of digital rubles accounted for in the digital ruble account of the payer (the person bearing joint and several liability), as well as on setting the date for the operator of the digital ruble platform to receive certain decisions of the customs authority.
Consultation documents are only available on RUS CB website until comment deadline.
The ord was developed to determine interaction procedure between the operator of the digital RUB platform and customs authority regarding exchange of messages in e-form.
It was developed in accordance with law 340-FZon customs regulation in the Russian Federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of Russia.
Comments and feedback are expected by Mar. 18, 2024 and is expected to enter into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
Oct. 024 Ordinance Issued
On Oct. 2, 2024, RUS CB issued ord 6814-U on the procedure for sending by the customs authority to the operator of the digital ruble platform certain documents of the customs authority in the form of electronic documents, sending by the operator of the digital ruble platform to the customs authority a message containing information about the balance of digital rubles accounted for in the digital ruble account of the payer (the person bearing joint and several liability), as well as on setting the date for the operator of the digital ruble platform to receive certain decisions of the customs authority.
The ordinance enters into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
Entity Types
PR 10/2/2024; Ord 6814-U, 7/31/2024; CP, 3/4/2024; Law 340-FZ, 7/23/2024