On Nov. 3, RUS CB proposed amendments to SRO reporting rules.
RUS CB proposed ord on content, forms, procedure, and deadlines for preparing and submitting reporting to RUS CB by self-regulatory organization in the financial market.
Follows, RUS CB Feb. 2023 ord 6245-U on content, forms and deadlines for compiling and submitting reports of a SRO's in the financial market to RUS CB, see #128602.
Consultation documents are only available on RUS CB website until comment deadline.
The proposed ordinance introduces amendments to an existing ordinance 6245-U regarding reporting of self-regulatory organizations in the financial market.
The amendments proposed include adding new sections to the report, specifying the composition of indicators, and adjusting the reporting procedures and deadlines.
It also adds reporting forms related to the education level, documents, qualifications, and experience of members involved in the SFO's activities in the financial market.
Comments and feedback are expected by Nov. 17, 2023.
Sep. 2924 Ord Issued
On Sep. 23, 2024, RUS CB issued ord 6744-U on content, forms, procedure, and deadlines for preparing and submitting reporting to RUS CB by self-regulatory organization in the financial market, which enters into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
Entity Types
Auditor; Bank; Corp; CU; Ins; Inv Co
PR 9/23/2024; Ord 6744-U, 6/10/2024; CP, 11/3/2023; Ord 6245-U