On Apr. 29, MN LEG passed bill regulating landlord shared-metering
MN LEG passed bill SF 4579, on residential buildings shared-metered utility services.
Establishes certain requirements for landlords of single-metered residential buildings.
Measure would amend several sections of MN LEG 216B. concerning public utilities.
Bill Provisions
Submeter to tenant in single-metered residential building banned except as provided.
Landlords who install submeters subject to Public utilities commission (PUC) authority.
Must provide prospective tenants with certain information concerning utility costs.
Regulated submeter installation; landlords with submeters must register with PUC.
A landlord of submetered building cannot collect from tenants in aggregate more than billed by utility provider; must deduct from tenant bills utility service used by landlord.
May not charge any service fees except for administrative billing fee up to $6/tenant.
Gives PUC authority to resolve consumer complaints, impose penalties on landlords.
Legislative History
On Mar. 4, 2024, bill was introduced in Senate; on Apr. 11, 2024, bill passed Senate.
On Apr. 11, 2024, bill was introduced in House; on Apr. 24, 2024, bill passed House.
On Apr. 29, 2024, amended bill returned to Senate; conference committee requested.
If enacted, provisions become effective starting Jan. 1, 2025.
May 2024 MN LEG Governor Approval
On May 17, 2024, MN LEG reported governor approved bill, assigned Chapter No. 107.
Entity Types
CNSM; Corp
Ch. 107, PR, 5/17/2024; Bill SF4579, 4/29/2024; Citation: MN LEG 216B;