SWI FINMA Final Basel III Ordinances

On Mar. 27, SWI FINMA issued ordinances implementing Basel III.

  • SWI FINMA published 5 ordinances to implement final Basel III standards in SWI.
  • Contain implementing provisions for the capital adequacy ordinance (CAO) for banks.
  • Follows SWI GVT Nov. 2023 adopted amendment of Own Funds Ordinance (CAO) for banks, transposing final Basel III standards of BCBS into Swiss Law, see #142534.
  • Background
  • Basel Committee published Basel III standards aiming for more risk-adequate capital requirements and better comparability of the capital ratios published by banks.
  • Calculation of minimum capital requirements based on internal models was restricted, standardized approaches designed to be more risk-oriented, e.g. re mortgage loans.
  • For Switzerland, the Federal Council primarily adopted these rules in the CAO.
  • SWI FINMA supports the introduction and application of final Basel III standards.
  • SWI GVT instructed FINMA to issue technical implementing provisions for various areas of the final Basel III standards, FINMA fulfills this mandate by issuing 5 ordinances.
  • These replace various FINMA circulars and will enter into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
  • Provisional Ordinances
  • Ordinance on the trading book and banking book and eligible capital of banks and securities firms (HBEV-FINMA) replaces FINMA circular 2013/1 Eligible capital - banks.
  • Regulates technical aspects of initial allocation of positions to trading and banking book, modalities for changes, in allocation, transfer of risks between the two books.
  • Ordinance on leverage ratio and operational risk of banks and securities firms (LROV-FINMA), replaces circular 2015/3 Leverage ratio-banks, parts of circular 2008/21.
  • Governs slightly revised calculation of total exposure as basis for calculating leverage ratio, detailed definition of income and expenses re operational risk minimum capital.
  • Ordinance on the credit risks of banks and securities firms (KreV-FINMA), replaces circular 2017/7, re minimum capital requirements for credit value adjustment risks.
  • Revised version of previous current exposure method designed for small banks for calculating credit value of derivatives, IRB requirements, and standardized approach.
  • Ordinance on the market risks of banks and securities firms (MarV-FINMA), replaces circular 2008/20 Market risks - banks, regulates calculation of minimum capital requirements for market risks according to standardized approach, model approach.
  • As well as simplified standardized approach as slightly adapted version from earlier.
  • Ordinance on the disclosure obligations of banks and securities firms (OffV-FINMA), replaces circular 2016/1, with new and revised disclosure tables re risks/capital.
  • Effectiveness
  • All the ordinances will come into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
  • In Mar. 2024, SWI SBA updated self-regulation on mortgage lending, see #206542.
  • In Jun. 2024, SWI GVT confirmed Basel III implemented Jan. 1, 2025 see #217181.
  • In Dec. 2024 SWI FINMA issued new supervisory notice on loss events, see #237214.

Entity Types Bank; BHC; BS; MG Orig
Reference Rpl Cir 2016/1, Cir 2008/20, Cir 2017/7, Cir 2008/21, Cir 2015/3, Cir 2013/1, RF OffV-FINMA, MarV-FINMA, KreV-FINMA, LROV-FINMA, HBEV-FINMA, PR, 3/27/2024; Basel III; CAO
Functions Compliance; C-Suite; Financial; Legal; Operations; Reporting; Risk; Trading
Countries Switzerland
Products Banking; Equity; Loan; Mortgage
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 3/27/2024
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 206530
Linked to Rule :142534
Reg. Last Update 3/27/2024
Report Section EU

Last substantive update on 04/02/2024