CAL LEG Provisions on Credit Unions

On Aug. 28, CAL LEG passed bill amending provisions to credit unions.

  • CAL LEG passed bill AB 2062, Credit unions, with changes to membership applications, governance structures, sale of credit union assets, and virtual member meetings.
  • Amend CAL FIN 5-4-1-14400, CAL FIN 5-4-1-14406, CAL FIN 5-4-2-14456, CAL FIN 5-4-6-14651, CAL FIN 5-4-514765, CAL FIN 5-4-8-14766, Management and Operations.
  • Additionally, bill provisions proposed amendments to CAL FIN 5-5-14804, CAL FIN 5-5-14805 on Members as well as CAL FIN 5-7-3-15050, CAL FIN 5-7-4-15100, on Loans.
  • Proposed Amendments
  • Existing law specifies manner of deposit for savings capital of credit union; bill would define savings capital of credit union to consist of payments by members on shares.
  • Authorized directors (delegate) to utilize automated system to establish membership eligibility pursuant to a written membership plan adopted by the board of directors
  • If specified conditions met, including automated system regularly tested for compliance, including credit union’s field of membership, applicable laws, regulations.
  • Authorize board to delegate specified duties to asset-liability management committee.
  • Including duty to determine interest rate on obligations, declare dividends, determine interest rate paid on certificates for funds, and dividend rates on share accounts.
  • Credit union can invest in corporation or LLC if corporation or limited liability company formed by corporation or LLC organized solely for purpose of providing services to CUs.
  • Revised amount which person is liable when CU officer, director, employee violates prohibition of purchasing (interest in) CU assets for less than current market value.
  • Bill authorized method for determining market value and would exclude from those prohibitions certain gifts from CU and purchase of certain equipment or furnishings.
  • Authorized annual meeting for election or special meetings to be conducted remotely.
  • Legislative History
  • On Feb. 1, 2024, bill introduced into Assembly; on May 9, 2024, bill passed Assembly.
  • On May 9, 2024, bill introduced into Senate; on Aug. 20, 2024, bill passed the Senate.
  • On Aug. 22, 2024, Assembly concurred with Senate amendments; sent to enrolling.
  • On Aug. 28, 2024, bill was delivered to the governor; pending governor review.
  • Effectiveness
  • If enacted, bill will become effective as of Jan. 1, 2025.
  • Sep. 2024 CAL LEG bill Approval
  • On Sep. 20, 2024, CAL LEG reported AB-2062 approved by governor, Chapter 305.

Regulators CAL LEG
Entity Types Bank; CU
Reference Ch 305, 9/20/2024; Bill AB2062, 8/28/2024; Citation: *CAL FIN* 5-4-1-14400, 5-4-1-14406, 5-4-2-14456, 5-4-6-14651, 5-4-514765, 5-4-8-14766, 5-5-14804, 5-5-14805, 5-7-3-15050, 5-7-4-15100;
Functions Compliance; C-Suite; Legal; Operations; Registration/Licensing; Technology
Countries United States of America
Products Banking; Deposits; Payments
Regions Am
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 8/28/2024
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 224234
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 9/20/2024
Report Section US Banking

Last substantive update on 09/24/2024