EBA MiCA Reports, Supervisory Colleges

On Jun. 19, EBA issued final MiCA regulatory technical standards.

  • EBA issued package of technical standards, guidelines under Markets in crypto-assets regulation (MiCA Reg 2023/1114) which completes its delivery of technical standards.
  • On same day EBA issued final guidelines on MiCA liquidity stress testing, see #216559.
  • Also follows EBA Nov. 2023 draft RTS on ART/EMT transaction reporting, see #190676.
  • Follows EBA Nov. 2023 draft RTS on supervisory colleges under MiCA, see #190683.
  • RTS on ARTS/EMTs as Means of Exchange
  • EBA issued final draft RTS on use of asset-referenced tokens (ARTs) and electronic money tokens (EMTs) denominated in a non-EU currency as a means of exchange.
  • Specify methodology to be applied by issuers of ARTS/EMTs denominated in a non-EU currency for estimating number/value of transactions of tokens as means of exchange.
  • Aim to contribute to objective of MiCA of monitoring and preventing risks that wide use of such may have on monetary policy transmission and monetary sovereignty in EU.
  • ITS on ARTS/EMTs Reporting
  • EBA also issued final draft ITS on reporting obligations of issuers of ARTs and EMTs denominated in a non-EU currency and of crypto-asset service providers (CASPs).
  • Annexes to the ITS provide specific templates and related instructions for issuers of ARTS and specific templates and instructions for CASPs, and DPM and validation rules.
  • The templates for ARTs will assist significance assessment of tokens, provide data on whether threshold has been met (therefore restricting issuance), supervisory reports.
  • CASPs templates and instructions set out reporting frequency, related reference and remittance dates, EBA will develop the related technical package, including DPM and validation rules and publish these with its 4.0 reporting framework release.
  • RTS on Supervisory Colleges
  • Final draft RTS on supervisory colleges specify conditions under which certain entities to be deemed most relevant in their category, conditions under which significant ART or EMT to be deemed to be used at large scale, to compose a supervisory college.
  • Must establish such a college in accordance with MiCA for each significant ART, EMT.
  • RTS also specify the general conditions for the functioning of supervisory colleges.
  • Next Steps
  • The draft RTS and ITS will be submitted to EU CMSN for endorsement, following which they will be subject to scrutiny by EP, EU CNCL before being issued in Official Journal.
  • In Oct. 2024, EBA issued decision clarifying ARTs, EMTs classification, see #230816.
  • Nov. 5, 2024 RTS Adoption
  • On Nov. 5, 2024, EU CMSN issued adopted RTS specifying the conditions for the establishment and functioning of consultative supervisory colleges (C(2024)6911).
  • Also issued adopted RTS specifying methodology to estimate value of transactions associated to uses of asset-referenced tokens and of e-money tokens denominated in a currency that is not official currency of MS as a means of exchange (C(2024)6910).
  • Regulations in force on 20th day following that of their publication in Official Journal.
  • Subject to scrutiny period, usually 2 months, during which EP and council may object.
  • Nov. 28, 2024 ARTS/EMTs Reporting ITS
  • On Nov. 28, 2024, EU CMSN issued final Reg 2024/2902, of Nov. 20, in Official Journal.
  • Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the EU, Dec. 18, 2024; it shall apply from Jan. 1, 2025.

Regulators EU CMSN; EU EBA
Entity Types B/D; Bank; IA; Inv Co; MSB
Reference OJ L, 11/28/2024; PR, Reg 2024/2902, 11/20/2024; PR, 11/5/2024; PR, C(2024)6910, C(2024)6911, 10/31/2024; Rp EBA/RTS/2024/14, EBA/GL/2024/08, EBA/ITS/2024/04, EBA/RTS/2024/13, PR, 6/19/2024; Fintech; Citation: MiCA Reg 2023/1114; C(2024)6910; C(2024)6911; Reg 2024/2902;
Functions Compliance; C-Suite; Financial; Legal; Operations; Product Administration; Product Design; Reporting; Risk; Technology; Treasury
Countries European Union
Products Banking; Cryptocurrency; Custody; Fund Mgt; Issuance/IPO; Payments; Securities
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 6/19/2024
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 216553
Linked to Rule :190667
Reg. Last Update 11/28/2024
Report Section EU

Last substantive update on 12/02/2024