On Dec. 5, SLK PRL announced act was approved, sent for publication
SLK PRL updated dossier of bill amending Act 580/2004 coll. on health insurance and on amendments to Act 95/2002 coll. on insurance industry and other laws.
The bill, presented in Sep. 2024, underwent 3 readings and was adopted on Dec. 4.
Bill 475 stems from SLK GVT legislative plan task 16 for Sep. 2024, fulfills tasks from Program Statement re strengthening Health Care Supervisory Authority role.
Addresses several areas related to public health insurance system, activities of health insurance companies and Health Care Supervision Office.
Re Health Insurance Act, aims to adjust, further process of redistribution of insurance premiums, resolve issue of extremely old persons registered in Central Register of Insured Persons (dead souls problem) ending public health insurance in specific cases.
The latter per suggestions from application practice, reduce administrative burden on employers when reporting data on insured persons and resolve other problematic areas in line with suggestions from practice of public health insurance.
Re activities of Health Care Supervision Office, it aims to implement e-examinations project into law, simplify administration when issuing permits for performance of examination of dead bodies, adjust process of terminating validity of provider codes.
Further details provided in explanatory memorandum, also includes draft decree on expenses of health insurance companies for 2025.
The bill comprises over 25 pages of amendments and will be officially published soon.
Act will enter into force on Dec. 31, 2024, except for art I, points 1 to 99, 101 and art 38ezj in point 102, arts II, III and art IV, points 1 to 6, 10 to 13 and 15 to 81, which shall enter into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
Art I point 100, art 38ezj in point 102, art IV, point 14 enter into force on Jan. 1, 2026.
Entity Types
PR 12/5/2024; Bill 475, 9/17/2024; Act 580/2004; Act 95/2002