On Oct. 3, RUS CB published draft pension funds reporting rules.
RUS CB issued draft directive On the forms, terms and procedure for compiling and submitting to the Bank of Russia reporting, including reporting requirements for compulsory pension insurance, of non-state pension funds to replace ord 6269-U.
Follows RUS CB Feb. 2021 issued non-state pension fund reporting rule, see #128436.
Follows RUS CB Jun. 2022, draft actuary pension calculation rules, see #139513.
Follows RUS CB Apr. 2023, proposed non-state pension funds rules, see #170637.
Consultation documents are only available on RUS CB website until comment deadline.
Updates proposed non-state pension funds reporting, including as per law 75-FZ On non-state pension funds, on a program for development of citizen long-term savings.
Based on application of ord 6269-U, changes names of individual forms and sections.
Also includes: new indicators, analytical feature groups and features; indicator values have been changed or introduced; plus amendments to the reporting procedure.
Amends forms in Reg 806-P General information on activities of non-state enterprises.
Adjusts asset/liability valuation indicators for international financial reporting standard.
Security maturity/issuer code indicators are excluded; financial statements will reflect name of the software used to generate files, non-state pension fund email address.
Adjusts analytical attributes/characteristics of financial statements to clarify and unify RUS CB XBRL taxonomy; the planned date of entry into force is Jan. 1, 2025.
Comments are invited up to 14 calendar days after publication, i.e. until Oct. 17, 2023.
Nov. 2024 Ord Issued
On Nov. 7, 2024, RUS CB issued ord 6796-U on forms, terms and procedure for compiling and submitting to RUS CB reporting, including reporting requirements for compulsory pension insurance, of non-state pension funds in force on Jan. 1, 2025.
Entity Types
PR 11/7/2024; Ord 6796-U, 6/28/2024; CP, 10/3/2023; Ord 6269-U, 9/27/2022; Reg 806-P, 9/28/2022; Law 75-FZ, 3/18/2023