On Nov. 27, SLK PRL passed a law which amends AML/CFT law.
SLK PRL introduced a draft law amending Act 297/2008 Coll. on protection against money laundering and financing of terrorism, and amending certain laws.
Follows EU CNCL Jun. 2023 issued Reg 2023/1113 on crypto transfers in OJ #142019.
Main objective of the law is to implement EU Reg 2023/1113 on data accompanying transfers of funds and certain crypto-assets and amending Dir 2015/849.
Eliminates shortcomings of Slovak legislation identified by EU CMSN so that the requirements of correct transposition of Dir 2015/849 on money laundering are met.
Addresses deficiencies in Slovakia's 5th round mutual evaluation report, see #232864.