JER JFSC Basel III Feedback Paper

On Sep. 30, JER JFSC issued feedback paper on Basel III framework.

  • JER JFSC issued feedback paper on the implementation of Basel III in Jersey.
  • Follows UK PRA Sep. 2024, near final rules on Basel 3.1 standards, see #226103.
  • Follows EC Jul. 2024, to postpone market risk rules by 1 year, see #220687.
  • Follows JER JFSC Apr. 2024, Basel III quick wins consultation paper, see #210223.
  • Follows JER JFSC Mar. 2024, issued proposed Basel III roadmap, see #206438.
  • Follows JER JFSC Jun. 2021, banking sector opinions on Basel III, see #115424.
  • Feedback from Respondents
  • Respondents generally agreed with proposals by JER JFSC who met with all JIBs and received their input, and no concerns were raised in timeline or principles of roadmap.
  • Three areas highlighted as being very importance to get right when implementing the roadmap, including large exposures, systemic importance, and prudential reporting.
  • More clarity was requested on JER JFSC plans for workshops and consultations.
  • Concerns over JER JFSC fee increases, where JIBs use advanced approaches.
  • JER JFSC responded that it was to retain flexibility to react to international developments, such as the delays outlined in 1.2 of the feedback paper.
  • This includes EU's announcement of a delay to its market risk reforms, due Jan. 1, 2026, which was previously Jan. 1, 2025), and UK PRA delaying publication.
  • UK PRA delayed publication of its second near-final statement on Basel 3.1 until Sep. 12, 2024, covering credit risk issues and reporting, among other things.
  • JER JFSC provided greater clarity on the next steps and will continue to do so.
  • Feedback on fees will inform work on fees and will be addressed within that work.
  • Next Steps
  • In line with JER JFSC's roadmap, it will engage with Jersey Incorporated Banks (JIBs) on large exposures, operational risk and credit risk, before consultation in Q4 2024.
  • JER JFSC will reach out to all stakeholders in Q4 2024 on systemic importance, in advance of the planned consultation in H1 2025, regarding Basel III implementation.
  • By Oct. 2024-end, JER JFSC will publish final documentation on quick wins, and provide JIBs with finalized minima and buffer requirements.
  • These changes will be effective from Jan. 1, 2025.

Regulators JER JFSC
Entity Types Bank; BS
Reference FS, PR 9/30/2024; Basel III
Functions Accounting; BCS; Financial; Operations; Registration/Licensing; Reporting; Risk; Treasury
Countries Jersey
Products Banking; Deposits; Derivatives; Equity; Loan; Securities
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 9/30/2024
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 228387
Linked to Rule :206438
Reg. Last Update 9/30/2024
Report Section UK

Last substantive update on 10/04/2024