UK PRA Securitization Rulebook Part

On Jul. 27, UK PRA issued proposals for new Securitization Part.

  • UK PRA issued consultation paper with proposed new PRA RB Securitization Part and adjustments to scope of its Supervisory Statement (SS) 10/18 on securitization.
  • Along with a proposed new statement of policy on permissions for re-securitizations.
  • Follows UK Treasury Jul. 2023 note and draft securitization regulations, see #179079.
  • Background
  • Securitization Regulation is retained EU legislation that aims to address behavioral risks in securitization markets, supervisory responsibility for it split between FCA, PRA.
  • Following enactment of Financial services and markets act 2023, UK Treasury plans that most firm-facing provision of Regulation to be replaced with PRA and/or FCA rules.
  • Consultation relevant to all categories of PRA-authorized persons established in UK, to qualifying parent undertakings, credit institutions, investment firms, their subsidiaries.
  • Consultation Paper
  • Sets out proposed rules to replace retained EU law requirements on PRA-authorized persons in provisions of the Securitization Regulation for which PRA is responsible.
  • The related Risk Retention Technical Standards and Disclosure Technical Standards.
  • Also covers adjustments to scope of SS10/18, includes new statement of policy (SoP).
  • Proposals
  • Largely preserve current requirements when retained EU law moved to PRA Rulebook.
  • Proposes targeted adjustments to these requirements, including: clarification of the person scope of requirements on manufacturers, adjustment to SS10/18 person scope.
  • More principles-based approach to due diligence obligations on PRA-authorized institutional investors re disclosures by manufacturers, to make more proportionate.
  • Clarification of provisions on delegation of due diligence, clarifying circumstances in which only managing party and not delegating party subject to due diligence rules.
  • Amendments to risk retention requirements in non-performing exposures (NPE) securitizations, to facilitate their use by PRA-authorized persons to reduce credit risk.
  • Clarification of timelines for manufacturers making available certain information.
  • Other smaller changes to risk retention requirements to make clearer, also addresses distinction between public/private securitizations re their transparency requirements.
  • PRA may consult on proposals in the latter area in a future consultation paper.
  • Effectiveness
  • The closing date for submission of responses to the consultation is Oct. 30, 2023.
  • In Jul. 2023, UK FCA said it will issue securitization rules consultation, see #122026.
  • In Aug. 2023, UK FCA proposed rules for the UK securitization markets, see #181276.
  • Apr. 30, 2024 Policy Statement and Rules
  • On Apr. 30, 2024, UK PRA issued policy statement providing feedback to responses to the consultation, final version new Securitization Part, updated supervisory statement.
  • Responses to consultation were largely supportive of the proposed policy changes, though respondents also requested a number of changes and clarifications on them.
  • As a result, PRA has made adjustments to the policy package including: 6-month implementation between publication of policy statement and implementation date.
  • Adding transitional provisions for pre-transfer securitizations to largely preserve their treatment under the Securitization Regulation and related technical standards.
  • Better aligning PRA and UK FCA rule drafting; clarifying meaning of before pricing in due diligence and transparency requirement; changes to due diligence requirements for secondary market investors re what disclosures are made by manufacturers.
  • Clarifying possible for UK institutional investor to delegate its due diligence to another investor, in which case UK institutional investor remains responsible for compliance.
  • Clarifying that firms may comply, as before, with transparency requirements by disclosing data only in aggregated or anonymized form, in certain circumstances.
  • Clarifying prohibition on hedging of material net interest required to be retained under risk retention requirements and that no need for risk retention re securitization of own liabilities; not proceeding with statement of policy on permission for re-securitizations.
  • PRA Rulebook: CRR Firms, Non-CRR Firms, Solvency II Firms, Non-Solvency II Firms: Securitization (And Miscellaneous Amendments) Instrument 2024 (PRA2024/3) makes the rules for the new Securitization Part, minor amends to 2 other Rulebook Parts.
  • These are amendments to Chapter 2, article 13 of Liquidity (CRR) Part, change to definitions in Chapter 1 of the Non-Performing Exposures Securitization (CRR) Part.
  • PRA also issued updated Supervisory Statement (SS) 10/18 Securitization: general requirements and capital framework, which will come in force at same time as rules.
  • Changes will come into force on Nov. 1, 2024, subject to revocation of Securitization Regulation, related technical standards, if that is later PRA will delay or revoke rules.
  • PRA, FCA expect to consult on more changes to securitization rules Q2 2024/Q1 2025.

Regulators UK PRA
Entity Types Bank; BS; Ins; Inv Co
Reference PS PS7/24, 4/30/2024; CP CP15/23, 7/27/2023; FSMA 2023; Reg 2017/2402; Brexit; Citation: PRA RB; PRA2024/3; Securitization; Liquidity (CRR); Non-Performing Exposures Securitization (CRR);
Functions Accounting; Financial; Operations; Risk; Treasury
Countries United Kingdom
Products Banking; Corporate; Fund Mgt; Insurance; Loan; Securities; Securitization
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 7/27/2023
Effective Date 11/1/2024
Rule Id 180612
Linked to Rule :179079
Reg. Last Update 4/30/2024
Report Section UK

Last substantive update on 05/03/2024