On Dec. 20, RUS CB declared certain regulations of RUS CB as invalid.
RUS CB issued ord 6313-U on declaring certain regulations of the bank of Russia concerning the maintenance of accounting records and the preparation of accounting (financial) statements by non-bank financial institutions as invalid.
Ordinances Invalidated
Subparagraph 1.19, para 1 of ord 4496-U amending application of IFRS 9 financial instruments to certain regulations of RUS CB on accounting and bookkeeping reporting of non-credit financial institutions.
Ord 5740-Uamending reg. 526-P, industry accounting standard procedure for compiling financial statements of insurance organizations and mutual insurance firms.
Ord 5741-Uamending reg. 527-P industry accounting standard procedure for compiling financial statements of non-state pension funds.
Ord 5823-Uamending regulation 487-P industry accounting standard for income, expenses, and other comprehensive income of non-bank financial institutions.
Ord 5920-U amending reg. 526-P and ord 5921-U amending reg. 527.
The ordinance enters into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
Jun. 2024 Ordinance Issued
On Jun. 27, 2024, RUS CB issued ord 6730-U on declaring certain regulations of the bank of Russia concerning the maintenance of accounting records and the preparation of accounting (financial) statements by non-bank financial institutions as invalid.
The ordinance enters into force on Jan. 1, 2025.
Entity Types
Corp; Ins; Pension
PR 6/27/2024; Ord 6730-U, 5/21/2024; PR, 12/20/2022; Ord 6313-U, 12/11/2022; Rpl Ord 5740-U, Ord 5741-U, 5823-U, 5920-U