EC Croatia VAT Derogation for Cars

On Nov. 17, EC published rules on VAT derogation for passenger cars.

  • EC published Council Dec 2021/1997 amending decision 2018/1994 authorizing CRO to introduce a special measure derogating from point (a) of art 26(1), art 168 of VAT dir.
  • Context
  • By letter registered with EC in Mar. 2021 Croatia requested authorization to continue to apply special measure derogating from VAT dir to restrict the right of VAT deduction.
  • In expenditure related to some passenger cars not wholly used for business purposes.
  • By letter of Apr. 2021, EC notified CRO it had all information needed to assess request.
  • Given measure positive impact on burden of taxpayers, authorities as it simplifies VAT collection, prevents tax evasion via incorrect record keeping, it should be authorized.
  • The special measure will have a negligible effect on overall amount of tax revenue collected at final consumption stage, no adverse impact on EU own resources re VAT.
  • Decision
  • By way of derogation from arts 168, 168a VAT dir, Croatia authorized to limit to 50% right to deduct VAT on expenditure re cars not wholly used for business purposes.
  • Per new art 6 dec 2018/1994 it applies from Jan. 2019 to Dec. 31, 2024; any request for extension of the authorization must be submitted to the EC by Mar. 31, 2024.
  • Accompanied by a report that includes a review of percentage set in art 1 of said dec.
  • Effectiveness
  • Measure in place until Dec. 31, 2024, unless new derogation request is granted.
  • (Please note this content is now deemed out of scope and will not be further updated unless there is a change in process or other noteworthy event in relation to the topic).

Regulators EU CMSN
Entity Types CNSM; Corp
Reference OJ, L 408/1, 11/17/2021; Dec 2021/1997, 11/15/2021; Dec 2018/1994; VAT Dir 2006/112
Functions Compliance; Financial; Fraud; Legal; Operations; Reporting; Settlement; Tax; Treasury
Countries Croatia; European Union
Products Corporate; Payments
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 11/17/2021
Effective Date 12/31/2024
Rule Id 121529
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 11/17/2021
Report Section EU

Last substantive update on 11/17/2021