EBA Use of Crypto in Financial Crime

On Nov. 24, EBA consulted on new travel rule AML/CFT guidelines.

  • The EBA consulted on new Guidelines on preventing the abuse of funds and certain crypto-assets transfers for money laundering and terrorist financing purposes.
  • Follows EU CNCL Jun. 2023 issued Reg 2023/1113 on crypto transfers, see #142019.
  • Follows EBA Oct. 2022 launched technical expert groups, consultation, see #151356.
  • Background
  • In Jul. 2021, the EC issued a legislative package with 4 proposals to reform EU’s legal and institutional AML/CFT framework: it included a proposal for a recast of Reg 2015/847, published in Official Journal of the EU since Jun. 2023 as Reg 2023/1113.
  • The recast brings the EU’s legal framework in line with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards, extending obligation to include information about originator and beneficiary to crypto-asset service providers (CASPs) – the so-called 'travel rule'.
  • Amends Dir 2015/849 to subject CASPs, authorized in accordance with Reg 2023/1114 to same AML/CFT requirements and supervision as credit and financial institutions.
  • Art. 36 (first and second subparas), Reg 2023/1113 and Art. 19a(2), Dir 2015/849 mandate EBA to issue guidelines to competent authorities, PSPs and CASPs on:
  • (a) measures providers should take to comply with certain articles of Reg 2023/1113.
  • (b) the technical aspects of the application of this Regulation to direct debits; and (c) measures, including criteria and means for identification and verification of the identity of the originator or beneficiary of a transfer made to or from a self-hosted address.
  • New Guidelines
  • EBA is proposing to repeal and replace 2017 Joint ESA Guidelines under Art. 25, Reg 2015/847 on measures payment service providers should take to detect missing or incomplete information on the payer or payee, and the procedures they should put in place to manage a transfer of funds lacking the required information (JC/GL/2017/16).
  • EBA Guidelines aim to promote development of a common understanding by PSPs, IPSPs, CASPs and ICASPs and competent authorities across EU, of effective procedures to detect and manage transfer of funds and crypto-assets lacking required information on the payer/originator and the payee/beneficiary, and how they should be applied.
  • Consultation Process
  • Comments to the consultation paper can be sent by via the EBA's consultation page.
  • The EBA will hold a virtual public hearing on the consultation paper on Jan. 17, 2024. The EBA invites interested stakeholders to register using this linkby Jan. 3, 2024.
  • The dial-in details will be communicated to those who have registered for the meeting.
  • Consultation End
  • The deadline for the submission of comments is Feb. 26, 2024.
  • Jul. 2024 Final Guidelines on Travel Rule
  • On Jul. 4, 2024, EU EBA issued final report containing finalized travel rule guidelines.
  • Report summarizes responses to the consultation, lists changes made to guidelines.
  • Guidance sets out information that should accompany transfers of funds of certain cryptoassets, aims to tackle abuse of such transfers for money laundering, terrorism.
  • Specify which information should accompany a transfer of funds or cryptoassets, list the steps PSPs, IPSPs, CASPs and ICASPs should take to detect missing/incomplete information, and what they should do if transfer lacks the required information.
  • Guidelines aim to establish consistent and effective approach to implementing the travel rule across EU that allows authorities to fully trace transfers for AML/CFT.
  • The guidelines will be translated into official EU languages, issued on EBA's website.
  • Deadline for competent authorities to report whether they comply is 2 months later.
  • The guidelines will apply from Dec. 30, 2024.

Regulators EU EBA
Entity Types B/D; Bank; BHC; Corp; Exch; Fiduciary; IA; MSB
Reference Rp EBA/GL/2024/11, PR, 7/4/2024; PR, CP EBA/CP/2023/35, 11/24/2023; TFR Reg 2023/1113; AMLD Dir 2015/849; Reg 2015/847; Rpl JC/GL/2017/16; FinTech;
Functions AML; Compliance; Financial; Legal; Operations; Reporting; Risk; Treasury
Countries European Union
Products Banking; Cryptocurrency; Custody; Deposits; Fund Mgt; Payments
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 11/24/2023
Effective Date 12/30/2024
Rule Id 192521
Linked to Rule :142019
Reg. Last Update 7/4/2024
Report Section EU

Last substantive update on 07/08/2024