On Apr. 5, BRZ CB instructed on filing banking statistics with BRZ CB.
BRZ CB issued Instruction 227 to establish the model of Document 13 monthly global banking statistics of accounting standard of institutions regulated by BRZ
Proposed Changes
Commercial banks, multiple banks with commercial portfolios and Caixa Econômica Federal must file Banking Statistics of the institution and each of its dependencies.
They must do so as provided for in art. 3 of Resolution no. 4,911, of May 27, 2021.
The subject institutions must report the data to BRZ CB in the form of Document 13 of the Accounting standard for institutions Regulated by Central Bank of Brazil (Cosif).
Annex 1 to Instruction 227 provides the template of Document no. 13.
Institutions must report the balances of amounts raised on behalf of companies linked through the institution's branch network when filing in codes 903, 905 and 907.
Instruction applies to accounting documents prepared from the base date of July 2022.
Finally, Instruction 227 revokes circular letter no. 2030, of November 6, 1989.
Instruction 227 enters into force on Jul. 1, 2022.
Aug. 2024 BRZ CB Statistics Reporting
On Aug. 5, 2024, BRZ CB issued Instructions 502 to update procedures for reporting banking statistics applicable to commercial banks, multiple banks, Caixa Econômica.
Instructions 502 makes amendments to Instruction 194 of February 24, 2022.
Released new versions of the completion instructions and layout of document 4500 - Monthly Banking Statistics, available on the BRZ CB website at the listed address.
Instruction 502 will come into effect on Jan. 1, 2025.
Sep. 17, 2024 BRZ CB Statistics Reporting
On Sep. 17, 2024, BRZ CB issued Instruction 522 re banking remittance statistics.
Applies to multiple banks with a commercial portfolio, also Caixa Econômica Federal.
Data must be sent through code document 4500 instructions on Banking Statistics.
Employee responsible for data must also respond to document remittance questions.
Entity Types
Auditor; B/D; Bank
Ins 522, 9/17/2024; Ins 502, 8/5/2024; Ins 227, 4/5/2022; Rpl Cir 2030, 11/6/1989;