ILL LEG Youth Prosthetics Ins Coverage

On Aug. 7, ILL LEG passed bill on youth access to prosthetics care.

  • ILL LEG issued SB 2195, So kids can move, expanding youth access to prosthetic care.
  • Bill amended ILL INS 215-5/356z-18 on prosthetic and customized orthotic devices.
  • Bill Provisions
  • Legislation requires insurance coverage for medically necessary prosthetic or custom orthotic devices to maximize the patient's whole-body health and function.
  • Benefits shall be provided for a prosthetic or custom orthotic device determined by the enrollee's provider to be the most appropriate model that is medically necessary.
  • Applies to enrollees at any age, in addition to coverage of a prosthetic orthotic device.
  • Requirements of the provisions do not constitute an addition to State's essential health benefits that requires defrayal of costs by the State pursuant to specified federal law.
  • Legislative History
  • On Feb. 10, 2023, bill was introduced in Senate, on Mar. 29, 2023, bill passed Senate.
  • On Mar. 30, 2023, bill was introduced in House, on May 11, 2023, bill passed House.
  • On Aug. 7, 2023, bill approved by governor and designated as Public Act 103-0512.
  • Effectiveness
  • Provisions on youth prosthetic insurance coverage becomes effective on Jan. 1, 2025.

Regulators ILL LEG
Entity Types Ins
Reference Act 103-0512, Bill SB2195, 8/7/2023; Citation: ILL INS 215-5/356z-18;
Functions Claims/Accelerated Benefits; Compliance; Financial; Legal; Product Administration
Countries United States of America
Products Insurance; Insurance-Health
Regions Am
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 8/7/2023
Effective Date 1/1/2025
Rule Id 181399
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 8/7/2023
Report Section US Insurance

Last substantive update on 08/08/2023