On Nov. 25, ECC issued circular on new emissions account setup.
ECC issued circular on new emissions account setup on adjustments that require the provision of a new TP form for some customers, in relation to single registry account.
A single ECC registry account will work as a reference account, for each member.
Defined for every transaction between member's internal SMSS account at ECC and the Union Registry, while delivery to accounts will require application process.
For instance delivery to any account other than the reference account means an application, which must be substantiated by the successful bidder/trading participant.
Transition Phase Actions
If a company already has one company-owned trusted account, there will be no change unless company wishes to use an alternative account going forward.
If this is the case, ECC need to be informed via a TP form, and those that use several registry accounts for transfers from ECC, need to email their TP form to ECC.
Company must nominate which one of these to use as the reference account.
ECC will delete all other accounts from Trusted Account List and no longer send certificates, in which case EEX/ECC Key Account manager will be in contact.
All completed forms must be returned by Jan. 31, 2025.
Form must be signed by registered RTR contacts or authorized signatory.