On Jul. 24, LTH PRL amended the law on electronic communications.
LTH PRL published Law XIV-2905 of Jul. 11, 2024, amending art 3, 8, 23, 36, 44, 45, 51, 74, 82, 98, annex of Law IX-2135 of Apr. 15, 2004 on electronic communications.
Main Points
The present law is the 35th legal text that amended the initial law IX-2135 of 2004.
Implementation of appropriate technical, organizational actions by network providers to ensure uninterrupted provision of public electronic communications services.
Provider can refuse access, unilaterally suspend its provision or terminate it based on objective criteria, e.g. lack of technical capabilities, need to ensure network security.
Precautions re general installation and shared use of electronic communications infrastructure and/or appropriate physical infrastructure; uninterrupted service actions.