On Jan. 27, UK DSIT published data protection charges and info regs.
UK DSIT published the Data protection (charges and information) (amendment) regulations 2025 (StIn 2025/63), which amends the Data protection (charges and information) regulations 2018 (StIn 2018/480) (the funding regulations).
Review of the charge regime conducted in 2023/24 in line with the Data protection act 2018 found the current charges were no longer sufficient to offset costs incurred by information commissioner (IC) to deliver statutory data protection responsibilities.
Plus, ongoing investment needed to maintain IC as effective, forward-looking regulator.
This instrument makes provision to ensure the IC has the financial resources necessary for the performance of his tasks and exercise of his powers under data protection law.
Increases the data protection charges payable by controllers to the information commissioner across all tiers of the charge structure by 29.8%.
There are no changes to other aspects of the funding regulations, such as the discount for direct debit payments and the exemptions from paying the data protection charges.
IC’s statutory responsibilities in relation to data protection and privacy and electronic communications are funded through charges paid to the IC by controllers pursuant to the funding regulations, which account for the majority of IC’s funding overall.