BEL GVT Compulsory Health Care

On Jan. 23, BEL GVT amended decree on compulsory health care.

  • BEL GVT published Royal Decree of Jan. 15, 2024 amending the Royal Decree of Jul. 3, 1996 implementing the law relating to compulsory health care and compensation insurance coordinated on Jul. 14, 1994, re evaluation commissions for work incapacity.
  • The amendments entered into force on Jan. 1, 2024.
  • Feb. 2024 Active Dressings Decree
  • On Feb. 6, 2024, BEL GVT published Royal Decree amending the royal decree of Mar. 23, 2019 implementing article 37, § 16bis, para. 1, 3°, and para. 4, of law relating to compulsory health and care insurance compensation, coordinated on Jul. 14, 1994.
  • The text of the decree concerned the rules relating to a use of certain active dressings under compulsory health care and compensation insurance, for all relevant claimants.
  • It also includes a table of additional dressing that can all be used under both schemes.
  • The decree comes in force on first day of the month following the expiration of a period of ten days beginning on day following publication in Official Gazette, on Mar. 1, 2024.
  • Mar. 2024 Surgical Nomenclature
  • On Mar. 12, 2024, BEL GVT published a Royal Decree amending article 16 of the annex to the Royal Decree of Sep. 14, 1984 establishing the nomenclature of health benefits in terms of compulsory health insurance and compensation, for some health benefits.
  • The decree amended the Dutch text geneesheer to be replaced by the word arts and the phrase geneesheer-specialist is therefore now replaced by words arts-specialist.
  • In para 6, the words In derogation of are now replaced by the words By derogation of.
  • This is supplemented by paragraph 7, that is now worded as § 7. By way of derogation from § 5, surgical assistance cannot be certified for services 312410-312421 and 312432-312443 unless it is carried out by a specialist doctor training in stomatology.
  • The new decree comes into force on the first day of the second month following that of its publication in the Belgian Official Gazette, making it effective as from May, 1, 2024.
  • Mar. 13, 2024 Psychiatric Care Home Billing
  • On Mar. 13, 2024, BEL GVT published a Royal Decree on the invoicing of medicines by all psychiatric care homes, from Jul. 2024, when the process will move to MyCareNet.
  • The psychiatric care home will send the billing file to the cooperating social security institution, then to Social Security Crossroads Bank via MyCareNet electronic network.
  • The date referred to in Article 53, § 1, paragraph 3, of the law relating to compulsory health care and compensation insurance, coordinated on Jul. 14, 1994, is Jul. 1, 2024.
  • The Minister responsible for Social Affairs. is responsible for implementing this order.
  • Mar. 19, 2024 Holder Status, Nomenclature
  • On Mar. 19, 2024, BEL GVT published royal decree of Mar. 15, 2024 amending the royal decree of Jul. 3, 1996 implementing the law relating to compulsory health care and compensation insurance, coordinated on Jul. 14, 1994 re the holder status.
  • Amendments to the condition of cohabitation between a holder and his dependent.
  • Effects on holder status in case of removal from National Register of Natural Persons.
  • Effective on Jan. 1, 2024, for the extension of the right to health care on year 2022.
  • BEL GVT also published royal decree of Feb. 25, 2024 amending articles 3, § 1, C., and 24, § 1, of the annex to the royal decree of Sep. 14, 1984 establishing the nomenclature of health benefits in terms of insurance compulsory health care and compensation, regarding amendments to the value index of some blood examinations.
  • BEL GVT also published royal decree of Feb. 25, 2024, amending article 24, § 1, of the annex to the royal decree of Sep. 14, 1984 establishing the nomenclature of health benefits in terms of compulsory health insurance and compensation, re blood services.
  • Additions and replacements of certain blood services, possible cumulation of services.
  • Changes apply on the 1st day of the 2nd month after publication, on May 1, 2024.
  • Mar. 25, 2024 Compulsory Health Care, Nomenclature
  • On Mar. 25, 2024, BEL GVT published royal decree of Feb. 29, 2024 modifying art. 37bis of the law re compulsory health care, compensation insurance of Jul. 14, 1994.
  • Additional order numbers in art 37bis, § 1 , E, 5 of Law of Jul. 14, 1994, as amended.
  • BEL GVT published royal decree of Mar. 12, 2024 amending art 27 and 29 of the annex to the royal decree of Sep. 14, 1984 establishing the nomenclature of health benefits in terms of compulsory health insurance and compensation; it deleted certain words.
  • BEL GVT published royal decree of Feb. 29, 2024 amending art 20 of the annex to the royal decree of Sep. 14, 1984 establishing the nomenclature of health benefits in terms of compulsory health insurance and compensation; changes in annexed table.
  • All decrees apply on the 1st day of the 2nd month after publication, on May 1, 2024.
  • Apr. 2024 Nomenclature of Health Services
  • On Apr. 5, 2024, BEL GVT published royal decree of Mar. 28, 2024 amending article 31 of the annex to the royal decree of Sep. 14, 1984 establishing the nomenclature of health benefits in the field of compulsory health care insurance and allowances.
  • The application procedure re intervention of the insurance company updated.
  • In force on the first day of the second month after publication in the official gazette.
  • Apr. 12. 2024 Nomenclature of Health Benefits
  • On Apr. 12, 2024, BEL GVT published royal decree of Mar. 28, 2024 amending article 27 of annex to the royal decree of September 14, 1984 establishing the nomenclature of health benefits in terms of compulsory health insurance and compensation rules.
  • Modifications were made by adding a paragraph inserted between para 2 and 3 that defined Digestive stoma and Urinary ostomy, in specific terms for medical definitions.
  • Before first intervention of insurance, a notification consisting of medical prescription and certificate of delivery must be sent to medical advisor by the approved bandagist before the end of the second month following month in which first delivery was made.
  • The sentence regarding timing of renewal prescriptions now states the period appears on medical prescription cannot exceed 1 year for first request or 3 years for renewal.
  • This decree comes into force on the first day of the second month following that during which it is published in the Belgian Official Gazette, thus effective from Jul. 1, 2024.
  • May 13, 2024 Compensation Amendments
  • On May 13, 2024, BEL GVT published 2 royal decrees amending decree of Jul. 3, 1996.
  • I.e. royal decree of Apr. 24, 2024 amending art 219ter, 228 and 230 of the royal decree of Jul. 3, 1996 implementing the law relating to compulsory health care and compensation insurance, coordinated on Jul. 14, 1994; those articles were repealed.
  • They concerned rates and conditions for maternity benefits; refusal of compensation and issues re social security of workers in foreign countries/international organizations.
  • BEL GVT also published royal decree of Apr. 24, 2024 amending the royal decree of Jul. 3, 1996 implementing the law re compulsory health care and compensation insurance, coordinated on Jul. 14, 1994; changes re work incapacity compensation.
  • Both royal decrees take effect from Jan. 1, 2024.
  • May 17, 2024 Decree Amendments
  • On May 17, 2024, BEL GVT published royal decree of Apr. 24, 2024, amending article 2, B, 2., of annex to royal decree of Sep. 14, 1984, establishing the nomenclature of health benefits in terms of compulsory health care insurance and compensation.
  • Relating to procedure around service 103994 on multidisciplinary nephrological assessment by a doctor specializing in internal medicine.
  • Also royal decree of Apr. 26, 2024 replacing art. 233 of royal decree of Jul. 3, 1996 implementing law relating to compulsory health care and compensation insurance.
  • Concerns suspension of compensation during period during which the holder is subject to a measure of detention or incarceration, in execution of a criminal conviction.
  • Decree of Apr. 24, 2024 comes into force on the first day of the second month following that during which it is published in official gazette, i.e. on Jul. 1, 2024.
  • Decree of Apr. 26, 2024 takes effect on Jan. 1, 2024.
  • Jun. 2024 Nomenclature of Health Benefits
  • On Jun. 27, 2024, BEL GVT published a regulation amending the regulation of Jul. 28, 2003 implementing Article 22, 11°, of Act on compulsory health insurance and benefit.
  • Article 6, § 1, of regulation of Jul. 28, 2003 is supplemented with provision under 12°,
  • This additional text now reads 12° The forms described in art. 36, § 4, 1° and 5° of the annex to the Royal Decree of 14 September 1984 establishing the nomenclature of all the medical services regarding compulsory insurance for medical care and benefits.
  • Confirms must conform to model included in annexes 98a, 98b, 98c, 98d, 98e and 98f.
  • Annexes 98a, 98b, 98c, 98d, 98e, 98f and 99 are added to regulation of Jul. 28, 2003 implementing Article 22, 11°, of the Act on compulsory health insurance and benefits.
  • Regulation enters in force, first day, second month after its publication, Sep. 1, 2024.
  • Jul. 5, 2024 Back to Work Measures
  • On Jul. 5, 2024, BEL GVT published Royal Decree Jun. 30, 2024 amending Article 177 of the Royal Decree of Jul. 3, 1996 implementing the law on compulsory insurance for medical care and benefits, coordinated on Jul. 14, 1994, on reintegration programs.
  • Relates to a beneficiary who is in an ongoing reintegration program as referred to in Chapter VI of Book I, Title 4, of the Code on well-being at work or who is in an ongoing Back to Work program, initiated after a referral by physician or multidisciplinary team.
  • Maximum duration is one year and if entitled person who has a permit to resume work maximum duration is two years when resumption of work aims at a full reintegration.
  • Five years if resumption of work does not aim at full reintegration of entitled person.
  • The terms of this new Royal Decree will now all enter into force effective Jul. 1, 2024.
  • Aug. 2024 Personal Contributions
  • On Aug. 27, 2024, BEL GVT published Royal Decree of Aug. 12, 2024, amending art 37bis of the act on compulsory insurance for medical care and benefits, coordinated on Jul. 14, 1994; changes re no personal contribution for two provisions of medical care.
  • I.e. provision 557314 of art 24bis, § 1, of the annex to the Royal Decree of Sep. 14, 1984 establishing the nomenclature of all the medical services regarding compulsory insurance for medical care and benefits, and the provision 589853 of art 32, § 1.
  • The amendments will enter into force on Oct. 1, 2024.

Regulators BEL GVT
Entity Types Auditor; CNSM; Corp; Ins
Reference OG 2024008168, 8/27/2024; Royal Decree 8/12/2024; OG 2024203451, 7/5/2024; Royal Decree 6/30/2024; OG 138, 6/27/2024; OG 2024004740, OG 2024202638, 5/17/2024; OG 2024202457, OG 2024202456, 5/13/2024; Royal Decree 4/26/2024; Royal Decree 4/24/2024; OG 2024003066, 4/12/2024; OG 2024003057, 4/5/2024; Decree 3/28/2024; OG 2024002394, OG 2024002659, OG 2024002393, 3/25/2024; Royal Decree 2/29/2024; Royal Decree 3/12/2024; Law 7/14/1994; Royal Decree 9/14/1984; OG 2024002615, 3/19/2024; Royal Decree 3/15/2024; OG 2024002389, 3/19/2024, Royal Decree 2/25/2024; OG 2024002390, 3/19/2024; Royal Decree 2/25/2024; OG 2024002142, 3/13/2024; Royal Decree 2/25/2024; OG 2024002143, 3/12/2024; Royal Decree 2/21/2024; OG 2024000720, 2/6/2024; Royal Decree 1/21/2024; OG 2023206779, 1/23/2024; Royal Decree 1/15/2024; Royal Decree 7/3/1996; ESG
Functions Accounting; Claims/Accelerated Benefits; Compliance; Financial; HR; Legal; Operations; Privacy; Product Administration; Reporting; Risk; Social; Technology; Treasury
Countries Belgium
Products Corporate; Disability; Family/Medical Leave; Insurance; Insurance-Health
Regions EMEA
Rule Type Final
Rule Date 1/23/2024
Effective Date 10/1/2024
Rule Id 198894
Linked to N/A
Reg. Last Update 8/27/2024
Report Section EU

Last substantive update on 08/29/2024