On Oct. 25, HUD proposed rule on delivery of housing counseling.
HUD proposed to modernize the delivery of housing counseling services nationwide.
This proposed rule would update existing HUD regulations (24 CFR 214) requiring that agencies provide in-person counseling to clients, allowing other client service methods.
Proposed Rule
In 2007, HUD published a final rule titled Housing Counseling Program including 24 CFR 214 requiring agencies to provide in-person counseling services to clients.
In 2020, due to concerns around COVID–19, a partial waiver of 24 CFR 214.300(a)(3), In-Person Housing Counseling Requirement, was issued in effect to Dec. 31, 2023.
Based on feedback received from stakeholders HUD has determined that these practical, cost-effective, and accessible, have not led to adverse compliance issues.
When the waiver expires participating agencies will continue to be required to provide in-person counseling services; proposed rule aims to modernize current regulations.
HUD's proposed rule would allow housing counseling agencies to use alternative communication methods, including virtual meeting tools, instead of in-person services.
Agencies that choose not to provide in-person services will be required to refer clients to local providers that provide such services, as requested to maintain access equity.
This proposal will not modify requirements that participating agencies have functioned within their target geography for at least a year and maintains a community base.
Public comments on proposed regulation are due on or before Dec. 26, 2023.
Sep. 2024 HUD Fed Reg Final Rule
On Sep. 16, 2024, HUD issued final rule on housing counseling, in the federal register.
After considering public comments, final rule adopted proposed rule without change.