On Jun. 23, ORE LEG passed bill on breast examination coverage.
ORE LEG passed bill SB 1041 to stipulate a prohibition on cost-sharing on certain health insurance coverage of supplemental and diagnostic breast examinations.
Bill Provisions
Amend ORE INS 743B.005, health benefit plans, add new provisions to Insurance Code
Prohibits health benefit plans, except for certain HSAs, from imposing a deductible, coinsurance, copayment for necessary diagnostic or supplemental breast examination.
Legislative History
On Feb. 22, 2023, bill introduced in Senate; on Jun. 20, 2023, bill passed in Senate.
On Jun. 21, 2023, bill introduced in House; on Jun. 23, 2023, bill passed in House.
Upon passage, bill to take effect 91 days after adjournment of session.
Jul. 27, 2023 ORE LEG Governor Approval
On Jul. 27, 2023, ORE LEG reported that the governor signed bill SB 1041 into law.
Effective 91st day after date on which the 2023 regular session of the 82nd legislative Assembly adjourns sine die (scheduled to adjourn Jun. 25), so on Sep. 24, 2024.